Project C3
- Barglowski, Karolina
- Research associate Project C3
- Bilecen, Basak, Dr.
- Research associate Project C3
- Faist, Thomas, Prof. PhD
- Head of Project C3
- Sienkiewicz, Joanna Jadwiga
- Wiss. Mit. Teilprojekt C3
The goal of this project is to determine the influence of transnationality, as a characteristic of heterogeneity, on the ways that migrants and their families in emigration and immigration countries access and utilize "informal" social security. The study extends across transnational spaces between Germany and Turkey, Germany and Poland, and Germany and Kazakhstan.
The question guiding the research is how transnationality influences the distribution of informal social security and resulting inequalities. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of transnationality on the use of informal services such as childcare, care of sick relatives, money transfers, assistance with integration, and job placement.
The project's focus is on three areas. First, it asks how and under what conditions transnational support strategies take shape. Second, it analyzes the reciprocal influence of migrants' informal support strategies and formal national welfare regimes. Third, it describes mechanisms that produce inequality-related effects in connection with categories such as "gender," "ethnicity," "class," "nationality," and "religion" in the field of migrants' social welfare.
To achieve these goals, the study applies a mixture of methods: interviews with selected migrants and their relatives, participant observation, expert interviews with representatives of institutions and associations, and document analyses. In line with the principle of multi-sited ethnography, data is collected in collaboration with local partners in both the immigration country and the emigration countries.
58 Publications
Sienkiewicz JJ, Hapke P, Faist T (2016) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 55.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Barglowski K (2015)
Migration Studies-Polish Diaspora Review: 57-75.
Faist T (2015)
Population, Space and Place.
Faist T (2015)
In: Race, Ethnicity and the Welfare State: An American Dilemma. Kettunen P, Michel S, Petersen K (Eds); Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar: 227-254.
Barglowski K, Bilecen B, Amelina A (2015)
Population, Space and Place 21(3): 215-226.
Barglowski K, Krzyzowski L, Świątek P (2015)
Population Space and Place 21(3): 257-269.
Faist T, Bilecen B, Barglowski K, Sienkiewicz JJ (Eds) (2015)
Population, Space and Place 21(3).
Sienkiewicz JJ (2015)
In: Zuhause? Fremd?: Migrations- und Beheimatungsstrategien zwischen Deutschland und Eurasien. Kaiser M, Schönhuth M (Eds); bibliotheca eurasica. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag: 355-378.
Bilecen B, Sienkiewicz JJ (2015)
Population, Space and Place 21(3): 227-243.
Faist T (2014)
New Diversities 16(2): 112-123.
Faist T (2014)
In: The Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies. Vertovec S (Ed); London: Routledge: 263-273.
Faist T (2014)
Journal of European Social Policy 24(3): 207-222.
Faist T (2014)
In: Migration and Diversity. Vertovec S (Ed); Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar: 153-172.
Faist T (2014)
Social Inclusion 2(4).
Faist T (2014)
In: An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies. European Perspectives. Martiniello M, Rath J (Eds); Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press: 21-52.
Faist T (2014)
In: The History of Migration in Europe: Perspectives from Economics, Politics and Sociology. Fauri F (Ed); London: Routledge: 69-87.
Barglowski K (2014) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 32.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Müller S, Barglowski K (2013)
Journal für Psychologie 21(3: Identität und Wandel in Organisationen): 1-27.
Barglowski K, Amelina A, Bilecen B (2013)
Bielefeld: COMCAD Working Papers.
Faist T, Schade J (Eds) (2013) Political Discourses and Human Rights.
Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London: Springer.
Faist T (2013)
Ethnic and Racial Studies 36(11): 1637-1646.
Faist T (2013)
In: Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Kivisto P, Wahlbeck Ö (Eds); Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan: 22-47.
Bilecen B (2013) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 19.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Faist T, Schade J (2013)
In: Disentangling Migration and Climate Change: Toward an Analysis of Methodologies. ; Political Discourses and Human Rights, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London: Springer: 3-25.
Faist T (2012) COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - Working Papers, 108.
Bielefeld: COMCAD - Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development.
Amelina A (2012) COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - working papers, 111.
Bielefeld: COMCAD - Centre on Migration Citizenship and Development.
Amelina A, Bilecen B, Barglowski K, Faist T (2012) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 6.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Amelina A, Faist T, Nergiz DD (Eds) (2012) .
Amelina A, Nergiz DD, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N (Eds) (2012)
London: Routledge.
Faist T, Nergiz DD (2012)
In: Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Social Science Research Methodologies in Transition. Amélina A, Nergiz D, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N (Eds); London: Routledge.
Amelina A, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N, Nergiz DD (2012)
In: Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies in Cross-Border Studies. Amélina A, Nergiz D, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N (Eds); London: Routledge.
Amelina A (2012) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 4.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Amelina A, Faist T (2012)
Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(10): 1707-1724.
Faist T, Fauser M, Kivisto P (Eds) (2011)
Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Amelina A (2011)
Advances in Gender Research, Special Issue: Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global, Transnational and Local Contexts 15: 211-231.
Faist T (2011) SFB 882 Working Paper Series; 3.
Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities.
Amelina A (2011)
In: Transnationalisierung sozialer Welt. Kongressband des 25. Soziologiekongresses. Soeffner H-G (Ed); VS Verlag.
Faist T (2011)
In: The Migration-Development Nexus: Transnational Perspectives. Faist T, Fauser M, Kivisto P (Eds); Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan: 185-203.
Faist T, Fauser M (2011)
In: The Migration-Development Nexus: Transnational Perspectives. Faist T, Fauser M, Kivisto P (Eds); Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan: 1-26.
Faist T (2011)
In: Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory. Delanty G, Turner SB (Eds); London: Routledge: 439-449.
Faist T (2011)
In: Unravelling Migrants as Transnational Agents of Development: Social Spaces in between Ghana and Germany. Thomas F, Nadine S (Eds); Münster: Lit-Verlag: 5-28.
Faist T (2010)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36(10): 1665-1687.
Amelina A (2010)
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung (FQS) 11(1).
Faist T (2010)
In: Migration in a globalised world: new research issues and prospects. Audebert C, Dorai MK (Eds); Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press: 79-106.
Faist T (2010)
In: Große Armut, großer Reichtum: zur Transnationalisierung sozialer Ungleichheit. Beck U, Poferl A (Eds); Edition Suhrkamp, 2614 Berlin: Suhrkamp: 617-650.
Amelina A (2010)
Berliner Journal für Soziologie 20(2): 257-279.
Faist T (2010)
In: Diaspora and Transnationalism: Concepts, Theories and Methods. Bauböck R, Faist T (Eds); Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press: 9-34.
Faist T, Kivisto P (2010)
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE/Pine Forge Press.
Faist T (2009)
International Sociology 24(1): 7-35.
Faist T (2009)
Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 1(2): 66-88.
Amelina A (2009) COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - working papers.
Bielefeld: COMCAD - Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development.
Faist T, Schiller NG (2009)
Social Analysis 53(3): 1-13.
Faist T (2009)
Social Analysis 53(3): 38-59.
Spallek J, Arnold M, Hentschel S, Razum O (2009)
Cancer Epidemiology 33(6): 413-418.
Faist T, Reisenauer E (2009)
Sociologus. Journal for Empirical Social Anthropology 59(1): 1-16.
Schiller NG, Faist T (Eds) (2009)
Social analysis 53(3).
Faist T, Lachenmann G (Eds) (2009)
Sociologus 59(1).