External researchers participating were Prof. Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Prof. Meir Yaish (University of Haifa), Prof. Sheryl L. Skaggs (University of Texas at Dallas), Prof. Vincent Roscigno (Ohio State University), Prof. Laura den Dulk (Universiteit Rotterdam), Dr. Karin Halldén (Stockholm University) und Dr. Alexandra Kalev (Tel Aviv University).
SFB 882 research was presented by the following projects:
A6 – Legitimation of Inequalities – Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Life-span
B3 – Interactions between Capabilities in Work and Private Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations
B4 – Companies and Inequality: The Synchronous and Diachronic Inequality Effects of Temporary Layoffs (Recalls)