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Breaking Rules. Explaining and exploring crime as moral action

Prof. Per-Olof Wikström PhD | Vortrag Zeit: 20.06.2012
Veranstaltungsort: U4-120

In this talk I will present a new theory (Situational Action Theory) that aims to explain the role of the person-environment interaction in crime causation, new methodologies (a space-time budget combined with a small area community survey) developed to help better studying empirically the role of the environment in the person-environment interaction, and selected key findings from Phase 1 (early and mid adolescence) of the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study (PADS+), a longitudinal study of around 700 young people in Peterborough, designed to test key propositions of Situational Action Theory as regards the person-environment interaction in crime causation.

Kolloquium_SFB_882_20.06.12.pdf164.16 KB